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+385 (0)1 6539 581


Legalisation of buildings

Legalisation of buildings

We offer fast and convenient elaboration of project documentation for the legalisaion of your facility. The legalisation of illegally constructed buildings is a voluntary program that allows solving a multicentury problem of illegally constructed facilities, thus bringing order into national physical planning. Illegally constructed building (illegal construction, illegal facility) is a construction work or reconstructed part of the existing building without a valid construction permit, i.e. – contrary to that particular Act, visible on the digital orthophoto map with the number scale 1:5000 of the State Geodetic Administration prepared on the basis of areal images of the Republic of Croatia taken as of 21 June 2011 (DOF5/2011).  The building is constructed until at least the rough construction is complete (foundations with walls, columns and beam connections, ceiling or roof construcion) with or without roof and at least one floor. Apart from buildings, this Act also authorizes functional units of the building (silo, water tank, septic tank, pool, supporting walls and other strutures) legalised together with the building.

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